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Téléphone :0086-13435492286

Comment choisir un tube en aluminium pour les stores enrouleurs

publier Temps: 2023-03-29     origine: Propulsé

Our factory provide all kinds of custom made window blinds, window blinds components and accessories. Regular aluminum tube for roller blinds width is 28mm, 38mm, 50mm.

Roller blinds are a popular window covering choice for their sleek and contemporary appeal. The aluminum tube used in roller blinds is an integral part of the mechanism that allows the blind to be rolled up or down. When choosing an aluminum tube for your roller blind, there are a few factors to consider such as groove size, thickness, weight, and match with the correct bracket size.

Firstly, groove size is an important consideration when selecting an aluminum tube for your roller blinds. The groove size of the tube determines the diameter of the pin that fits into the bracket. Common groove sizes for roller blinds include 28mm, 38mm and 50mm. It is important to ensure that the tube groove size matches the size of the bracket to avoid any misalignment or instability issues.

Secondly, the thickness of the aluminum tube is another important factor to consider. The thickness of the tube will affect its strength and durability. Common thickness options for aluminum tubes used in roller blinds are 0.6mm, 0.8mm, and 1.0mm. A thicker tube is more durable and can handle heavier blinds, however, it also adds to the weight of the overall product.

Thirdly, the weight of the aluminum tube is important to consider as it affects the ease of installation and operation. A lighter tube is easier to handle and install, while a heavier tube adds stability to the overall product.

Finally, it is important to ensure that the aluminum tube matches the correct bracket size. The bracket size will vary depending on the width and weight of the roller blind. Always ensure that the tube matches the bracket size to ensure that installation is smooth and hassle-free.

In conclusion, when purchasing an aluminum tube for your roller blind, be sure to consider factors such as groove size, thickness, weight and match with the appropriate bracket size. These considerations will ensure that the roller blind operates smoothly and holds up well over time.


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